Dr. Deirdre Cahill
Dr Cahill completed her undergraduate degree in Science at University College Dublin. She subsequently completed Graduate entry Medicine degree also in University College Dublin after many years in the healthcare industry.
She completed her specialist training in GP in the South East Ireland scheme and is a member of the Irish College of General Practitioner.
Dr. Cahill has a special interest all aspects of Women's health. She has completed postgraduate studies in Family Planning, Community Gynecology, contraception including Long active reversible contraception, Perimenopause/Menopause.
She is qualified in Mirena/Kyleena and the new Copper Ballerine coil insertion. She also holds Postgraduate certificate In Dermatology from University College Dublin .
BSc Hons Pharm, MB, BCh, BAO , MICGP,
Prof Cert Derm

Dr. Jennie Lundie
MB BCh (Wits), BA (Hons) Sp & Hr ( Wits), MICGP
Dr. Lundie is a member if the Irish College of General Practitioners and has practiced as a GP in Dublin for 19 years. Dr Lundie previously worked in the Mater Private Hospital for 5 years and at Mount Carmel Private Hospital for 14 years. Dr Lundie assisted with the hospital accreditation process, clinical governance and with the appointment of doctors within these hospitals.
Dr Lundie was previously a member of the medical board of Mount Carmel Hospital and Sandringham Gardens. Dr Lundie has a keen interest in sports medicine and has acted as team doctor for the Irish Diving Team and the British GB team in various international competitions such as the world cup, European Championships and junior world championships. Previously Dr. Lundie competed as an international springboard diver. A Graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Dr Lundie Commenced her medical studies after working in hospital practice as a speech and hearing therapist. Dr. Lundie’s interests include geriatrics and has lectured to GP students in this topic.

Dr. Clara Cannon
Dr Clara Cannon is a graduate of University College Dublin. She completed her GP training scheme in Dundee Scotland in 2001. She has been working continuously in general practice since 2002.
Dr Cannon has special interest in Childrens health, Dermatology, Women's Health Family Planning STD Screening and Care of the Elderly.