Dr. Gabrielle Quirke
Dr. Gabrielle Quirke MB BCh BAO MICGP
Dr. Gabrielle Quirke graduated from University College Dublin School of Medicine in 2006. She completed her specialist training as a GP on the Western Training Programme in General Practice in Galway. She has worked as a GP in Galway city since 2013. She joined the team at Maretimo Medical in 2019. She is a tutor to Medical Students attending NUIG Medical School. Her special interests include Diabetes and Chronic Disease Management, and all aspects of Womens Health.
Member of Irish College of General Practitioners, Postgraduate Diploma in Diabetes in Primary Care (University of Warick), Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Leadership (RCSI), Diploma in Womens Health, Diploma in Child Health, Diploma in Medicine of the Elderly, Cert in Palliative Care, Cert in Substance Misuse, Family Planning Certificate, Advanced Certificate in LARC, Sexually Transmitted Infections Foundation Course, Registered Cervical Smear taker.

Dr. Fiona Curran
Dr Fiona Curran MB BCh BAO MICGP
Dr. Fiona Curran graduated from NUI Galway medical school in 1987. She completed her vocational training for General Practice on the Cork vocational training scheme in 1992 having obtained her membership of both Irish College of General Practitioners (MICGP) and Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP). She spent time training in General Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly, Neurology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Ear Nose Throat Surgery. She then worked in Paris and Australia as a General Practitioner. Dr. Curran returned to Galway in 2004 and joined Sea Road Surgery. In September 2020, she merged with the team in Maretimo Medical. She has over twenty years of experience in General Practice. She has a special interest in Women’s Health, Contraception, Osteoporosis, Care of the Elderly, Menopause and Minor Surgery. She is a registered LARC (mirena coil) inserter and licenced cervical screening doctor.
Member Irish College General Practitioners & Royal College of General Practitioners
Diploma in Child Health, diploma in Obstetrics, Family Planning Certificate, Certificate in Minor Surgery, Advanced Certificate in LARC, Certificate in trauma care NUIG, Member British Menopause Society, Registered Cervical Smear taker.

Dr. Connie O'Reilly
Dr Connie O’Reilly
General Practitioner
MB BCh BAO, BSc Nutritional Science, DCH, MICGP
Dr O’Reilly qualified in medicine with honors from University College Cork in 2013.
After her internship in Cork University Hospital she worked in paediatric medicine in OLCH Crumlin and the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital. She completed the Ballinasloe GP training scheme in 2020.
Prior to doing a degree in medicine she completed degree in Nutritional Science in UCC, this has led to a keen interest in the area of nutrition and diet in medicine.
Additional Training:
Diploma in Child Health
Certificate in contraception
Advanced Certificate in LARC
Special Interests:
Paediatrics and Child Health
Nutrition and lifestyle medicine
Women’s Health

Dr. Rachel Hynes
Coming soon...