Dr. Catherine Ling
MB, BCh, BAO, LRCPI, LRCSI, Dip Child Health, MICGP
Dr Catherine Ling is a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Catherine completed her specialist training in General Practice with the Eastern Regional GP Training Scheme in 2002. She joined our practice in 2005. Catherine’s specialisms include:
- Women’s Health
- Contraception & Sexual Health
- Breast Feeding Advice
- Paediatric Care

Dr. Louise Stewart
Coming soon...

Dr. Ciara Doherty
MB, BCh, BAO, BMedSc, MICGP , H.Dip Dermatology, DCH, DOWH, LFOM ( RCPI ).
Ciara qualified from UCD in 2003 with degrees in medicine and medical science. She joined the Sheehan medical practice in 2011,having completed specialist training in general practice with the East Coast Area GP Training Scheme in 2008.
She has completed additional training in her areas of special interest ,dermatology , women’s health and paediatrics.
Ciara has taught as a clinical lecturer in UCD and as a GP tutor in RCSI. She is an experienced Occupational health physician and works closely with Cognate health , one of the largest occupational health providers in Ireland.
Her Special interests include :
- Women’s health
- Child health
- Family planning
- Allergy
- Dermatology
- Menopause management
- Breast feeding support
- Mirena
- Copper coil and Implanon insertion
- Preventative medicine
- Screening
- Occupational Medicine

Dr. Anita Kane
MB BCh BAO, MICGP, Dip. Dermatolgy, Dip.Family Planning
Dr Anita Kane is a graduate of University College Dublin. Anita completed specialist training in 1999, when she graduated from the Eastern Regional Vocational GP Training Scheme. She has worked in general practice since, both in Ireland and the UK. She joined our practice in 2005.
Anita’s special areas of expertise include:
- Paediatric Care
- Women’s Health
- Contraception & Sexual Health
- Dermatology
- Minor Surgery
- Health Promotion

Dr. Nicola Casey
Dr Nicola Casey is a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Nicola completed her specialist training in General Practice with the Eastern Regional Vocational GP Training Scheme in 2001. She is involved in Postgraduate and Undergraduate GP training and is a GP trainer with the Trinity College Dublin/ HSE Specialist Training Scheme in General Practice. She joined our practice in 2001.
Nicola’s special areas of interest include:
- Women’s Health
- Contraception (IUD’s, IUS’s, Implanon)
- Antenatal & Postnatal Care
- Management of the Menopause
- Paediatric Care
- Care for the Elderly

Dr. Gerry Mansfield

Dr. Jim McShane
Dr Jim McShane (MICGP, MRCGP, FFSEM, DCH, DObs, LFOM (RCPI), DipOccHealth)
graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland in 1986, and is a highly qualified and
respected general practitioner.
“General practice in Ireland offers a very rewarding career, with great long term relationships
with your patients,” says Jim.
With special interests in sports medicine, musculoskeletal health, minor surgery, tongue tie
release, and medicine for the elderly, as well as teaching, no two days are ever alike, and Jim
remains inspired by his patients.
A father of two adult sons, and one Labrador called Axle, Jim advises: “Be active!” He enjoys exercise, music, and reading: a particular favourite book is Where The Crawdads

Dr. Niamh Nic Cinneide