• Welcome To
    Wexford Medical Centre
  • Apply Today!
    Free GP Care for Under the under 8's*
    *Once approved by the HSE
  • GP visits for these services
    New Contraceptive Services for ages 17-26
    and the medication is now free
  • ADHD Assessment for Children and Adults
    Diagnostic Assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Fast Track Access For Centric Health Patients
  • Mental Health - Psychology and Counselling
    New 12 Week Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Programme €275
    Fast Track Access For Centric Health Patients
  • FAST TRACK your Acne Treatment
    Get Fast Relief from Acne with a choice of In Person or Virtual Consultations
    Book an appointment now on 01 288 8363
  • Health Screening
    Identify and reduce health risks
    enables early treatment
  • High Blood Pressure Assessment
    Calling everyone over 30 to register for:
  • Baby Vaccines
    Don't forget to keep up to date with your
  • Blood Tests
    Book your Blood Tests
    As directed by your Medical Practitioner
  • Cryotherapy Treatments
    Ask us about
    for warts, verrucas, skin tags, age marks

Welcome to Wexford Medical Centre

To our patients and their families - We are here to meet your Healthcare Needs.

While how we work has changed during this pandemic, what we do has not. Our motto is to put you our patients first and design how we work around you.
So when you visit us in person, we will be wearing PPE. We have made some changes - clinical workflows, increased sanitation, social distancing – all part of our commitment to your health and safety.

You may not need to visit us in person-a doctor phone call may suffice. Whatever your healthcare need, something new or an ongoing condition, we are here to help. Phone or contact using one of the links below.

The Wexford Medical Centre Team

General Enquiries

General Enquiries

Click here for non Covid-19 related enquiries.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat Prescriptions

Click here to request a repeat Prescription from your doctor.

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Browse medical services available at this practice.

What's New

10 Jul

6 Key Symptoms of Adult ADHD

What is ADHD? ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects many executive functions – our ability to plan and organise, time manage, regulate our emotions and pay attention. Adult ADHD diagnosis has increased in recent times due to a greater understanding and awareness of ADHD among healthcare professionals and better diagnostic tools that recognise the presence of ADHD symptoms, which vary from person to person in severity and presentation.

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